Improvement of packaging products by application of eco-friendly materials and inclusive design
Graphic industry has a continuous growth of market due to the packaging. But, taking into account principles of circular economy and the need for accessibility of information, this research includes multidimensional approach by implementation of three key aspects; the development of functional coatings, technology that enables interactive packaging, and the design of a packaging product that will be accessible to everyone. This results in an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to the development of value-added packaging. Relying on the principles of the circular economy (through the development and implementation of more environmentally friendly materials), the application of new technologies, and the inclusion of the specific needs of people with limited sensory abilities make a significant contribution to the development of society as a whole.
Unaprjeđenje ambalažnog proizvoda primjenom ekološki povoljnih materijala i inkluzivnog dizajna
Grafička tehnologija ima kontinuiran tržišni rast ponajprije zahvaljujući ambalažnim proizvodima. No, uzevši u obzir načela cirkularne ekonomije te potrebe za povećanom dostupnošću informacija, ovo istraživanje uključuje višedimenzionalan pristup kroz tri ključna aspekta, razvoj funkcionalnih premaza i tehnologije koja omogućava interaktivnu ambalažu, te dizajna ambalažnog proizvoda koji će omogućiti dostupnost svima. Time je ostvaren inovativan i interdisciplinaran pristup razvoju ambalaže s dodanom vrijednosti. Poštivanje načela cirkularne ekonomije (razvojem i implementacijom ekološki prihvatljivijih materijala), primjena novih tehnologija te uključenje specifičnih potreba osoba s ograničenim senzornim sposobnostima daje se značajan doprinos razvoju društva u cjelini.